Changing employment legislation makes choosing the right engagement model for your contingent workforce critical. We therefore provide comprehensive people management, employment and payroll services for candidates identified by your business.
We know how to identify employment risks, and how to overcome them. Our workplace relations team employs best-practice management to mitigate potential risks posed by accessorial liability and unclear employment arrangements.
Unlike payroll and contractor management companies who provide a service rather than an employment solution, we take on the responsibilities of the employer to minimise your risk.
Engaging your contingent workforce incorrectly can be a costly exercise.
Risk Mitigation
Our services minimise your employment risks, and are regularly reviewed by our workplace relations experts. They incorporate:
Our dedicated workplace relations team draws on decades of experience to mitigate your employment risks. We conduct regular reviews to ensure you have the right employment agreements and guidelines in place, are compliant with all relevant employment laws and requirements, and are fully insured.
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