While everyone is eager to put their best foot forward in an interview, conveying that you’re both experienced and interested in the role isn’t always easy. These 5 tips will help you show a potential employer that you’re the right person for the job.
You may not know exactly what questions you’ll be asked in a job interview, but there are many common questions that you can expect to be asked. It’s a good idea to not only plan but also practice your answers to these questions.
While you may think that you don’t need to plan an answer for “tell me about your background”, with a little practice you can polish your answer and really accentuate key skills and competencies.
What you don’t say is almost as important as what you do say in an interview. Show a prospective employer that you’re interested by smiling and letting your enthusiasm come through in how you deliver your answers. This will help you deliver your answers naturally, even if you’ve practised them over and over again.
You can also show you’re confident and know what you’re talking about through non-verbal cues like maintaining eye contact and keeping fidgeting to a minimum.
Asking a prospective employer questions about the role and business shows them that you’re interested in the company. It also gives you another chance to demonstrate what you know. Ask about industry trends, where the business is going strategically or specific things about the company that show you’ve done your research.
Once the interview is over and you’ve asked all your questions, take one last opportunity to pitch yourself. This doesn’t need to be a long speech, but rather a one-minute explanation of why you’re interested in the role and what you believe you’ll bring to it. This highlights how interested you are in the role and iterates your skills. It’s also something that you can prepare and practice at home.
Follow up your interview with a thank you note or email. It will show that you’re polite and very keen to get the role. It’s also a good way to remind your interviewer who you are and stand out from the crowd. A follow-up note doesn’t need to be long, something short and professional will get the point across.
If you need help finding the perfect role for you, partner with an agency who can show you how.
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